Converting rich-text to HTML before saving to database

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cold8266last year

I am trying to add a functionality to add a product description within payload cms as rich text. But I want to convert this to HTML before saving it to the data base. Can this be done?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    yep! You can convert it to html in a beforeChange collection hook, and save that html into another field

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    cold8266last year

    I am not surely how to go about this. Can you point me in the right direction or share an example @alessiogr

    Figured it out. It's working fine. Thank you!

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    lucaceck95last year

    can you show us hou you did it? i'm interested on this..

  • default discord avatar
    cold8266last year

    refer to this

    there is a section on generate html

    use this in your before change hook

    should work just fine

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    lucaceck95last year


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