custom auth (magic code)

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kris0xlast year

I'd like to implement a custom auth for my users collection, where a custom code will be sent to the users email and once they enter it they are authed.

Any simple way to achieve this ?

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    notchrlast year

    @kris Good morning kris - I've done something like this!

    This is similar to a "verify email" token in a way

    It would sort of work like this

    1.) User is created, a hook fires and sends an email to the user. The custom email can be easily defiend on your collection and it should include a URL to your frontend with a unique id (could be the created collection id). For instance...

    2.) Create a custom endpoint on your auth collection that will be used to authorize the user. You want to check a property on the request, probably "token" and then update the verified property on the user.

    3.) On your frontend, make sure the link you sent in the email will function. The frontend app needs to get the query parameter value from the URL (or allow them to enter a token), and then make an API request to your custom endpoint.

    That's a quick overview of how I did it, happy to share examples.

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    kris0xlast year

    Hey thanks for response. I see what you mean. My usecase though is that I don't want my users to enter passwords at all.

    They would enter email and then they would receive a 6 digit code or link that they can click that would auth them

    do I need this for this ?

    Found this here
  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    @kris If you don't want to use passwords for auth, then you could create a non-auth collection and deal with data using a token

  • default discord avatar
    kris0xlast year

    I really like auth capacities of payload (cookie etc)

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    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    @notchris I would love to see how you done what you did, I’ve tried going down the verification token route to no avail

  • default discord avatar
    kris0x7 months ago

    Ah I've done it in really hacky way. Probably there are better ways

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    @Moudi Baqir [moudi] Happy to answer any questions!

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    @notchris Thanks man, appreciate it, just wanna know what did you add or what did you configure to the user collection?

    because, im sure im doing everything the docs are saying to do but nothings working

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    notchr7 months ago

    Can you describe what your goal is?

    So I can suggest the best route

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    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    I want a verification email to be sent to the users email they signed up with in order to be bable to login to their account

    so they gotta verify before they're able to login and if they try to login, an error will be thrown saying "You have to verify your account before login in" not too worried about that part, its the email being sent is what my goal is

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    That seems like the default functionallity though, no?

    Are you saying, you don't want the user to have a password?

    @Moudi Baqir [moudi]

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    nah, so upon registering, iwant the user to get an email sent to click a link or button or whatever to verify their account in order to login, but i cant even get the email to send

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    Ah so the issue is the email

    Lets check out your payload.config file and your server.ts file

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago


    ill send the code

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    Mainly jsut your server.ts file

    You should have configured your email transport options, correct?

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    oh wait... lol

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago
    const start = async () => {
      // Initialize Payload
      await payload.init({
        secret: process.env.PAYLOAD_SECRET,
        express: app,
        email: {
          transportOptions: {
            host: '',
            port: 25,
          fromName: 'Your Name',
          fromAddress: '',
          logMockCredentials: true, // Optional
        onInit: async () => {
`Payload Admin URL: ${payload.getAdminURL()}`);
  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    you gotta do that within the server.ts?

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago


    Yes its required otherwise, it's going to use an ethereal setup

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    ethereal, so you dont even see it right

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    well, it create an 'ethereal email account', basically a temporary one for testing emails

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    yeah gotcha

    cant believe ive been scratching my head wondering why it wasnt woring


  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    It happens, at least you know now!

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    and for the email template i can configure that within the user collection itself?

    or is it beetter to seperate that?

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    Correct, you should be able to pass an html file with variables

    or HTML string

    however you want

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    have you tested to see if it goes with react email?

    you're a legend mate

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    I've used an exported template from react email, but you need to plugin your own variables obviously

    lol no worries @Moudi Baqir [moudi]

    lmk if you get stuck

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    actually while i got you here

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago


  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    idk if this is normal but ive been getting this error in the terminal lately

    ERROR (payload): MongoServerError: Caused by :: Write conflict during plan execution and yielding is disabled. :: Please retry your operation or multi-document transaction.

    at Connection.onMessage (B:\VSCode Projects\personal-projects\web-dev\official-nyla\node_modules\mongodb\src\cmap\connection.ts:449:20)

    at MessageStream.<anonymous> (B:\VSCode Projects\personal-projects\web-dev\official-nyla\node_modules\mongodb\src\cmap\connection.ts:241:56)

    at MessageStream.emit (node:events:514:28)

    at MessageStream.emit (node:domain:488:12)

    at processIncomingData (B:\VSCode Projects\personal-projects\web-dev\official-nyla\node_modules\mongodb\src\cmap\message_stream.ts:188:12)

    at MessageStream._write (B:\VSCode Projects\personal-projects\web-dev\official-nyla\node_modules\mongodb\src\cmap\message_stream.ts:69:5)

    at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:556:12)

    at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:490:10)

    at MessageStream.Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:494:10)

    at TLSSocket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:985:22)

    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:514:28)

    at TLSSocket.emit (node:domain:488:12)

    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:545:12)

    at readableAddChunkPushByteMode (node:internal/streams/readable:495:3)

    at TLSSocket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:375:5)

    at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)

    at TLSWrap.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)

    now i havent seen anything being affect atm

    but its got me paranoid

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    That's not a normal error

    Any idea what action causes it to fire?

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    nah man

    not a clue

    i havent really pinpointed it yet

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    As far as I know, that's not a common error so I'm not sure what to recommend

    You could try to re-build your mongodb

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    its happening everytime im refreshing lol

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    Yeah that's not ideal, I would probably make another issue about that specifically

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    for the host what would i use?

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    Your email host

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    heres hoping it goes well

    idk if you were having the same issue but, when adding the verify object to the auth in user collection, were you able to login at all? with the user you first signed up with

    auth: {

    verify: {

    generateEmailHTML: ({ req, token, user }) => {

    const url =${token}


    <p>Hi ${},</p> <p>Thanks for signing up to Nyla!</p> <p>Click the link below to verify your email address:</p> <a href="${url}">${url}</a> <p>If you didn't sign up to Nyla, you can ignore this email.</p>




    const start = async (): Promise<void> => {

    const transport = await nodemailer.createTransport({

    service: 'gmail',

    auth: {

    user: process.env.GMAIL_USER,

    pass: process.env.GMAIL_PASS,



    await payload.init({

    secret: process.env.PAYLOAD_SECRET || '',

    express: app,

    email: {

    fromName: 'Nyla',

    fromAddress: process.env.GMAIL_USER,


    logMockCredentials: true,


    onInit: () => {

    Payload Admin URL: ${payload.getAdminURL()}




    done all this and now im getting unhandledRejection InvalidConfiguration: Email fromName and fromAddress must be configured when transport is configured


    │ at ensureConfigHasFrom (/workspace/node_modules/payload/dist/email/build.js:33:15)


    │ at buildEmail (/workspace/node_modules/payload/dist/email/build.js:60:9)


    │ at BasePayload.init (/workspace/node_modules/payload/dist/payload.js:226:41)


    │ at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)


    │ at async getPayload (/workspace/node_modules/payload/dist/payload.js:259:26)


    │ at async initHTTP (/workspace/node_modules/payload/dist/initHTTP.js:39:21)


    │ at async Payload.init (/workspace/node_modules/payload/dist/index.js:27:25)


    │ at async start (/workspace/dist/server.js:27:5) {


    │ data: null,


    │ isOperational: true,


    │ isPublic: false,


    │ status: 500


    │ }

  • default discord avatar
    notchr7 months ago

    The first user may need to be marked as authorized

  • default discord avatar
    hamoodibagheri7 months ago

    How would I be able to do that? Cause I can’t even sign up

    Do I have to setup the transport config inside the server.ts or?

    Can I just create my own configuration inside the api folder inside the app folder?

    I’m so confused lol

    so i got it to work but its a bit weird lol, i see the emails being sent from the email im sending them from BUT theyre not getting sent to the email thats signing up

    used a temp email, and it shows in the temp email inbox but not my other gmail accounts odd

    nvm its showing now

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