Hide Collection from admin sidebar

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nacholast year

Is there a way to hide a particular collection from admin sidebar for certain users?

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    akacronoslast year

    you can do it changing the access to the collection and limit the read function to certain users roles:



    Here the example:


    If a user doesn't have the right access, payload doesn't show the collection

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    nacholast year

    I just wanted to hide the collection from the admin, not restrict access. Didn't express myself correctly.

    Just found the solution on another post. Just add css to hide that element, for example, here I'm hiding users collection:

    .dashboard__card-list li:has(#card-users), #nav-users { display: none; }
  • default discord avatar
    sandrowegmannlast year

    Is there a way to achieve this dynamically, depending on the users role? I'd like specific collections to be only visible for admins

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    eustachi0last year

    I think this is what you are looking for.

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    sandrowegmannlast year

    Unfortunately not, I don't want to restrict access, just hide the collection from the dashboard and sidebar

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    eustachi0last year

    I see 🤔

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    It would be cool to see visibility controls on the admin config for a global/collection that would handle this by role

      admin: {
        group: "Pages",
        visibility: [Users] // or role property on a user collection?
  • default discord avatar
    sandrowegmannlast year

    Yes 100%, I’d love to see a similar pattern as with access control, it’s super dope!

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    You can dynamically hide collections and globals from the admin outside of access control also using


    as a function.

          admin: {
            hidden: ({ user }) => user.role !== 'admin',

    Something like that will work, assuming you have a


    property on your users.

    @sandrowegmann @notchr @eustachi0 @nacho @akacronos

    I'm tagging you because I am sad nobody knew this.

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    notchrlast year

    Yoooo @dribbens the man saving the day

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    sandrowegmannlast year

    Haha maybe that’s the only disadvantage of a great community, you’re always tempted to just post a question in the forum instead of really getting your hands dirty first

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    Above The Cloudslast year

    Even easier: in the CollectionConfig, just add

    admin: { hidden: true }
  • default discord avatar
    sandrowegmannlast year

    Quick question regarding this. Contrary to access control, the user object only contains info that is stored in JWT, not the full user data. On purpose?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I do think the user should be the full user object. It's been this way for a long time, but it does seem like a bug.

  • default discord avatar
    dnl.krmrlast year

    @dribbens would it be also possible to get the collection config within those function (access function and admin -> hidden) when loading a list?

    The collections config is only available if I start editing an entry.

    But I need it before to check if my user is allowed to access this colleciotn

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I'm confused what you mean when you say you need to check if the user is allowed to access the collection. That'd be up to your access functions which the admin UI already removes automatically. This hidden property is only meant to be used when access control is permitted on API calls, but isn't meant to be used in the admin interface

    Also I didn't add the config because it's self referencing from the place in your code that it is defined anyways. It didn't seem likely to be useful. Maybe I'm not thinking of this in the right way. I'm not opposed to adding it off there something I am missing, of course.

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    jarrod69420last year

    Sharing the docs link for people to reference:

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    dnl.krmrlast year

    @dribbens good morning ☀️

    I‘m understanding your points.

    I‘ll add an example later on, so you’ll maybe understand my question🤝

    @dribbens I'll try to explain:

    I have a muli-site admin.

    My user can have different roles for the sites (e. g. admin for site1 and editor for site2). But I need different post-collection for my sites. So maybe user1 should be able to access posts for site1 but not posts for site2. And so he should not be able to see collection for page2.

    Within my collection I got a field called "site" where the id of the used site will be stored (otherwise I'd add a custom property within the collections config to check this)

    So I'd like to set hidden and my access properties to false by checking the user and the collections properties.

    Is this more clear for you?

    Otherwise I can also add my complete collection config 😄

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I'm still not following. You're saying your users have roles to sites and that the collection has a relationship to the site. These are both data driven values, not hard-coded in your collection config. The collection config itself isn't determining if it belongs to site1 or site2. That all tells me you need good access control methods on your posts collection.

    A user needs to see posts in the admin UI. How is it going to work if




    ? They can't navigate to the collection list at all if that is the case.

    Whereas with


    , you can return a query where posts are in the sites that the user has enabled roles.

  • default discord avatar
    dnl.krmrlast year

    @dribbens okay 🙈

    It seems that I'll have to investigate and test my request a bite more before answering you. I'll take a look and come back to you later on

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    _itsjustchrislast year

    Beautiful! I can't seem to get this to work on a user.roles array, though. I thought to try something like:

    hidden: ({ user }) => user.roles.includes() !== 'admin',

    But I ended up down a rabbit hole of typescript errors. Which I'm just not skilled enough to understand.

    Do you have a suggestion or two on how I might go about this?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I'll see if we can improve the type for user from Payload. In the meantime you can do if ore the ts error or use

    (user as any).roles
  • default discord avatar
    jarrod69420last year

    @_itsjustchris the includes function takes a value, so you would want to do

  • default discord avatar
    _itsjustchrislast year

    ah yes of course, that's what I meant! covid brain strikes again. The type errors still catch me out, but @dribbenss solution does the trick.

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