How to implement custom Cells to add thumbnails to relationship fields as well as List views?

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chaitealattayylast year

I have read the docs on custom Cells:

However, I am not sure exactly how to implement them. I want to add thumbnails to both relationship fields for images (so user can see what they are selecting), as well as in the List view.

Is there an example I can reference that shows how to pull the custom Cell in and utilize it correctly?

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    chaitealattayylast year

    @John perfect, thank you!

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    jm.svlast year

    @Chai @John did you get this working for the relationship field dropdown? I figured out how to add the cell to my List view and Edit views, but not how to customize the items in the dropdown

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    borke50005 months ago

    @jmsv how do you add the custom cell to the list view?

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