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Installing Payload on a VPS for production : Deployment documentation feels unclear

default discord avatar
aliqqaelast year


I am trying to use Payload in a production server and instructions are unclear. I am simply trying to run the CMS.

# Building

Reading the documentation about the steps to accomplish it:

In order for Payload to run, it requires both the server code and the built admin panel. These will be the dist and build directories by default. If you've used create-payload-app to create your project, executing the build npm script will build both and output these directories.


- On my local machine and commit it? The




folders are



- Directly on prod server? Then fine it builds.

# How do I use Payload now?

## After the build

I guess that now, I should ask Nginx to serve a folder. Which one?





How can use nginx now? Should I rewrite URLs? serve them as is?

## Should I run

npm run serve


I tried this too, on a server with Let's Encrypt and a MongoDB Atlas. But then is an SSL error:

ERROR (payload): Error: cannot connect to MongoDB. Details: C047A3D8F17F0000:error:0A000438:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert internal error:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1586:SSL alert number 80

I googled about it. It feels unwise to change Certbot's permissions. Running

npm run dev

feels unwise too.


There are DigitalOcean's tutorials and I am aware of them, I used them but they just tell to how install needed software to use Payload. But afterwards, I don't see explicit explanation on how to link stuff together.

Also I'd like to add that about deploying to a VPS does not always mean to a DigitalOcean droplet, and have a section directly mentionning DO won't tell people that's it's about doing it on a VPS

  • default discord avatar
    .janxylast year

    Have you whitelisted the ip inside mongo atlas?

    also, I think docker is prefered for production, it is pretty easy.

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year


    Can't quite answer your question about the MongoDB / LetsEncrypt issue you're having but I can try to answer your question on the build part :).

    Building payload consumes quite a lot of memory and might crash your server when it runs out of memory. And yes! I don't think you'd want to commit your dist folder to your repoistory. What I would recommend to do is: Use a Github action to build Payload and finally deploy your


    code to your server and run it.

    Yes, depending on your familiarity with Docker, it's probably the best way to deploy your Payload server πŸ™‚

  • default discord avatar
    .janxylast year

    You can use which handles docker, gitops and other stuff for you

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    I wasn't aware we should do that actually. it's written nowhere 😭

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Ah yes! that might make it really easy if you want to ofcourse πŸ™‚

  • default discord avatar
    .janxylast year

    It is expensive though, but I use it for development

    so free tier is enough for me

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    So far I pulled the repo into the prod server because it's the way i know

    But again, is it about a VPS server or deployment in Vercel and stuff ?

    I can migrate to Docker overtime, but even there, it could lack explanation on how to proceed :
  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Yeah, I agree. The docs assume you already know your way around Docker. So it's like "Here is a Dockerfile, goodluck!"

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year


    I can only think ;


  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    What I wrote was about deploying it on a VPS yeah, deploying it on Vercel would also be possible, but comes with pretty slow cold boot responses. If you need help with the Github action and/or setting it up with Docker, I can provide an example / try to explain how if you want? πŸ™‚

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    it's about Github Actions and and deploy it on a VPS

    it could be an article on Payload's blog

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Well, according to the Payload team, the easiest way (and probably is) to host Payload, is through Payload cloud :p

    But that'd cost you 35$ a month

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    It costs money and i can't afford that :p

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Yeah, for small size projects and/or just getting started, 35$ is quite the money

  • default discord avatar
    .janxylast year

    There is almost no difference between deploying payload and any other expressjs app with mongodb database.

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    True, but you can't expect users to know how to do something like that right? :p

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    I can deploy PHP Apps, not that much when it comes to nodejs

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Oh, and perhaps something to try @Aliqq'ae Pretty easy to setup for Payload as well!

    Pretty much comes down to running a couple of commands.

    flyctl launch

    -> follow the setup

    flyctl secrets import < .env

    -> Imports your .env variables to your instance

    flyctl deploy

    When it comes to pricing, I have 2 servers with 512mb ram running there, for 0$ a month πŸ˜†

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    i thought about it too

    but the idea is to stay on my registrar's servers

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    They sort you out with Docker and all that

    If you have a Dockerfile in the root of your project, it recognizes that and uses it

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    oh yes

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Meaning Digitalocean? Or just some other VPS?

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    some other VPS

    an OpenStack VPS

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Alright, in that case it's a bit more work

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    I found that I should use PM2 to run dist/server.js

    and daemonize it

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Yeah, pm2 is a pretty neat tool to do that!

  • default discord avatar
    .janxylast year

    can't you just use docker?

    You already have docker compose file. Shouldn't

    docker-compose up -d

    do the trick?

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    The default docker-compose.yml is for development, runs Payload in dev mode.

  • default discord avatar
    .janxylast year

    ah it is yeah

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    I can. But I don't wan't to yet, because it has to be PROD ready


    I only have a nginx issue

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    If you insist on using Docker, you can pretty easily setup a github action where it builds the container and publishes it on your Repository it's container registry πŸ™‚

    From there you can pull the container on your VPS and run it.

    Or even beter, extend the github action pipeline and make it do that for you πŸ˜›

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    that's for later


    now the problem is :

    502 bad gateway

    on nginx

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    How are you setting up nginx for Payload?

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year
    location / {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

    so far

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Payload serves your ssl certificate?

    since you're using
  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    no ?

    I mean

    I use let's encrypt

    Payload is just there, in its lil' folder

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    How have you setup lets encrypt?

  • default discord avatar
    .janxylast year

    Do you need nginx?

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    I'd rather have nginx yes

    because I want other apps on that server

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    The 502 bad gateway you have that already works with ssl and all enabled? @Aliqq'ae

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year


    the website is https

    it's a subdomain of mine

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year


  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    on a vps of mine

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    But, I think you shouldn't proxy pass using https://

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    i may be wrong in some config that does not make a bug

    you're right, i removed it

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Still a 502?

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    still a 502

    probs not an nginx problem actually

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Why's that?

    Payload not running?

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    PM2 says Payload is running

    when I curl


    it says "Connection refused"

    knowing that I updated Payload's port

    good news: no more 502

    bad news: white page

    good news: no more white page

    bad news: perpetual loading

    I am tired and frustrated. I will try the Vercel way with building in GH Actions

    and while it's up that way, I'll build a prod ready docker-compose

    that issue is blocking my website new version to prod and then, a refactor to React

  • default discord avatar
    tyteen4a03last year

    If you are using a single VPS, you might want to use something like Dokku or coolLabs so that you're not managing your own nginx + LE

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Most of the things listed in the post are really


    concerns. None of the things listed in the second section are specific to Payload. They are applicable to deploying any ole node.js app.

    It would be a huge ask for us to document every possible way to deploy Payload (just a node app) on any platform. We've called out things specific to Payload in the docs while also pointing to other resources to deploying node apps.

    Open for discussion how we can improve within reason here.

  • default discord avatar
    paulpopuslast year

    I agree totally with this sentiment, but at the same time having step by step guides on deploying to various popular platforms is only gonna help with adoption

    I do believe these kinds of guides have aided other open source projects like strapi in many ways including SEO (as people search how to deploy X on Y)

    But I do agree its fundamentally not unique to payload...the same way DB management and backup/restore isnt, still super useful to have guidance on it

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    It's more about "what do to with built Payload" and how to use it on a VPS instance, removing the specifications about Digital Ocean

    It's been more than a week for me to figure out what do do with the project

    it also seems to be possible to push it on a Vercel instance, but it's so unclear on how to proceed knowing be have to build it first to avoind the cold boot

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Agreed here that additional resources are always helpful. I believe we linked the DO deployment guides because that was what we were using at the time and the guides were helpful.

    Open to writing our own, especially because half the questions appear to be how to deploy an app in general.

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    DO guides are helpful to have a VPS started, because well it's to run Payload on a VPS after all

    Also yes, this

    But after that, we still tend to don't know what to do with Payload itself

    It is solved, I have payload on, serving

    @denolfe @jacobsfletch I think I am starting to grasp what is going on with explanations in documentations and guides about how to use Payload. For instance, I am starting a NextJS project, and I'll use Payload with it. A whole new project. There will also be Storybook.

    Previously I saw this blog article, which I kept in favourites:

    But now that I need it, I notice that you are writing a nice story and what there is around in Next and Payload, but again, it rose questions:

    - "

    Do I need to do something in particular to integrate Payload IN Next? Launch the "create" inside or outside?


    - "

    Is there a specific command to run?


    - "

    Is package.json shared between Payload and Next or they each have their own?


    - "

    Where should be Payload?


    As a refresher for context :

    β”œβ”€β”€ assets # Mine, shall be moved
    β”‚   └── images
    β”œβ”€β”€ next.config.js
    β”œβ”€β”€ next-env.d.ts
    β”œβ”€β”€ node_modules
    β”‚   └─ // ...
    β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
    β”œβ”€β”€ package-lock.json
    β”œβ”€β”€ public
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ next.svg
    β”‚   └── vercel.svg
    β”œβ”€β”€ src
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ app
    β”‚   └── stories
    └── tsconfig.json

    Like, where would stand Payload in Next's project?

    And as I mentioned, i will use Storybook to learn to use it and this kind of guide is just what I needed. Storybook team wrote that and it's all clear:

    Sometimes, Junior devs and newcomers wouldn't need anything more than that

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    @Aliqq'ae You can look at how this is done in our templates. Here is the website template that configures payload and next:
  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year


    But do you know that it is not easy to comprehend for some ? :/

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Your question is how to structure your code?

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    it's also how to install it, and which commands to run

    and where

    just what Storybook did


  • discord user avatar
    last year

    The template shows how this can be done, you just want a walkthrough from scratch?

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    Yes, a simple guide

    that does not make people dive into the code

    it's not easy to comprehend for everyone

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I hear you I suppose on walkthroughs.

    Unfortunately, being a developer-first tool, there is some expectation for exploration and drive to implement different tools together. The template with it already done for you feels like a good middle ground, people just need to be curious and poke around the code.

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year
    "Unfortunately, being a developer-first tool, there is some expectation for exploration and drive to implement different tools together. The template with it already done for you feels like a good middle ground, people just need to be curious and poke around the code."

    yes but also no

    having to poke around just to have a product able to run ASAP is not always what would help adopting Payload

    We know the Front-End and Back-End can be separated and how to do so

    but in an "The Ultimate Guide To Using Next.js with Payload > Combined serverless", we would expect a little walkthrought

    Some commands

    Now having to poke around and read code

    Code is not documentation

    That makes the required entry level to Payload frankly steep in contrast to use it, which is actually a breeze

    And can make its adoption so much slower

    Also, that makes me think of an old mentor that also think that way. We never clicked together and is now seen as elitist

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    In a perfect world, we'd have a guide and walkthrough for everything - not viable currently. Thank you for all of this feedback. I will bring it to the team πŸ‘

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year


    Just being explicit on how to install it in a way that won't make issues later on into a front-end, and a mode extensive explanation with what to do with




    is a good start

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I completely agree RE guides

    We have docs, templates, our blog, and videos, but no real text-based "guides"

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year


  • default discord avatar
    paulpopuslast year

    Somewhat related to this, im gonna experiment into turning video guides into blog post tutorials with AI

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I have low expectations of AI generated docs and guides, tbh

    Just feels like a human should be on the other end, who can do a better job

  • default discord avatar
    paulpopuslast year

    same BUT if you base it off the transcript from youtube, i thought it might have enough info?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    yea in theory

  • default discord avatar
    paulpopuslast year

    otherwise yes, the AI is idiot

    you spend more time fixing the prompt than you wouldve writing it yourself

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I'm not opposed to it but quality is way more important than anything

  • default discord avatar
    aliqqaelast year

    Yeah well, I can contribute in this, even translate that in French if needed

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