Is it possible to create a register page rather than creating users yourself?

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Deleted Userlast year

I think I can handle the backend logic but I was hoping for a native way to do this, especially design-wise, I don't want this custom page to stick out.

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    thisisnotchrislast year

    You can create a page on your front-end that can register users with Payload. You would have a form with the required User fields and you would submit a post request to the User collection /create endpoint. You will also need to handle -> Displaying errors (Invalid email, password, etc) and displaying success messages to the end user. You will also want to look at the docs for "Forgot Password" and other user-related endpoints.

    We do this for our company website, it takes a little setup, but works nicely.

    There are examples of using payload to create a registration system in the payload repository home on github.

    The benefits of using a system like Payload for authentication outweigh building your own IMO

    (from scratch)

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    Deleted Userlast year

    Thanks for the reply. I don't have a separate frontend app, I was hoping to extend Payload CMS to serve a page using a custom route. Is that not possible? Also I couldn't find a register system example in the official repository.

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    generator101last year

    for the access in your user collections just add anyone can register

    see this

    there will be a register button then where people can register

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    Deleted Userlast year

    good idea, thanks a lot!

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    avant_last year

    For those like me, it's not /create anymore, it's

    POST /api/{collection-slug} Create a new document
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