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Is it possible to make fields collapsable?

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snailedltlast year

I have a lot of fields in some of my collections. In order to keep it more clear I'd like to be able to collapse each field, and also have a

collapse all

button at the top of the collection. Is this possible today?

  • default discord avatar
    eustachi0last year

    Hi, yes you can collapse your existing fields within a collapsible field, I use this field quite a lot. You can create a collapsible field and then move your existing fields inside following the right structure. Here you can find more info

    And for a button to collapse all collapsible fields, I believe this will be possible by creating a custom component.

  • default discord avatar
    snailedltlast year

    Thanks a bunch!

  • default discord avatar
    eustachi0last year

    You're welcome

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