problem with dispatchField - ADD_ROW doesn't show up and cause error when saving

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iampromptlast year

I have a problem recently that I try to use dispatchField with the type


but when the function is execute,

const [fields, dispatchField] = useAllFormFields()

  type: 'ADD_ROW',
  path: '__path__',
  rowIndex: 0,
  subFieldState: {
    provider: {
      initialValue: '',
      value: __value__,
      valid: true,

I think the state has been updated but there is no row being add on the dash board and also cause an error on saving draft or publishing.

[10:43:44] ERROR (payload): There was an error while creating a draft [object Object] with ID xxxxxxx.
[10:43:44] ERROR (payload): _shows_versions validation failed: version.__path__: Cast to embedded failed for value "1" (type number) at path "__path__" because of "ObjectParameterError"
[10:43:44] ERROR (payload): TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'version')

The workaround I do now is to manually add the row and then deleted the manually created one before saving which I think it is the additional task.

I don't know if there are any solution to solve this bug?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    @iamprompt try to use the


    hook instead, it's much more performant and might easier to work with.

    const { value } = useFormFields(([fields, dispatch]) => fields[path])

    Here's some related docs, too:
  • default discord avatar
    iampromptlast year

    @jacobsfletch I think, to get the value is fine but the way to dispatch or create a row in an array in programming way is the real problem. I'm not sure that there might be some different in


    function or not by using



    I have a few fields to change, I call dispatchField once at a time, everything fine, but the array one causing an error.

    As I saw in Array field-types

    when adding row in the array, there is a call to


    immediately after


    execute. I'm not sure whether


    is a thing, if so I have tried to find the way to access it but not successful as it might depending on its own fields. What I call is from other fields to set the value.

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    @iamprompt yes, to add a row to an array you also need to update that array field's internal row state. @seanzubrickas I think we should write a blog post about how to do this

  • default discord avatar
    iampromptlast year

    @jmikrut is there a quick solution how to do this?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    @jmikrut how do we update the array field's internal row state?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    we could certainly build a utility to make this easier but right now it would take some manual work

  • default discord avatar
    iampromptlast year

    Any idea about this??

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    webcredolast year

    @jmikrut any info on how to deal with this?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    not yet - but we can write something up soon. in the meantime, i'd say you should look at our internal Array field for some ideas. There are two states that need to be kept up to date - the


    reducer, and then of course your fields themselves

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    webcredolast year

    Hope you will do something soon with this. I think it should be made easy to use.

  • default discord avatar
    grandnainconnulast year

    Any update on this?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    actually, yes, I have written up a response to someone else about how to update array fields:

    their original issue deals with nested arrays, so my example is more complex, but this should give you an idea

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    grandnainconnulast year

    Thank you!

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    showering_complimentslast year

    I am following a similar approach of using


    . I have been able to make it work in payload versions 1.9.0 & below. The UI adds the blocks/array items seamlessly.

    I upgraded it to version 1.10.0 today, and it seems to be breaking (Not sure which version has introduced this).

    On 1.10.0, after calling


    , the UI is not updating. I can see the updated data within the fields if I console it in



    If I save the collection after


    the document re-renders and the elements which were added become visible.

    Any idea how to fix this?

  • default discord avatar
    grandnainconnulast year

    I got the same thing but instead of not showing the updated version it simply makes the field disappear. After saving, the field appears again, filled with the data contained in the



  • discord user avatar
    12 months ago

    Hey all, I just commented on the issue above

    with some tips on how to update arrays / blocks

    happy to help if the comment on the issue above doesn't make sense

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