There were 1 errors validating your Payload config, 1: "editor" is required

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anisulislampranto9 months ago

Can anyone help to understand this error ? tried to run the init app and got this error.

  • discord user avatar
    9 months ago

    Hey, you need to add the editor property in your payload 2.0 config.

    Check out the migration guide here:

    As well as

    How did you create the project? create-payload-app should automatically fill in the editor property for new projects

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    anisulislampranto9 months ago

    npx create-payload-app


  • discord user avatar
    9 months ago

    when did you use the command? Maybe you ran it before the 2.0 release, and then installed payload post-2.0.

    If you haven't done any work yet, re-running the command should be the easiest solution for you

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    anisulislampranto9 months ago

    i created a payload base tried to run got that error. then i had no idea so deleted the project and tried to install is again. then tried to run it got same error. then i posted here for help. and i just tried to restart the server now still getting the error.

    i am now trying to follow the migration guide

    guide helped


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    jjaimealeman8 months ago

    This is quite misleading to suggest the use of

    npx create-payload-app project-name




    should create all this for us,

    shouldn't it?


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    taun21608 months ago

    I've just run npx create-payload-app and receiving the same error:

    05:39:29] ERROR (payload): There were 1 errors validating your Payload config
    [05:39:29] ERROR (payload): 1: "editor" is required

    The docs recommend npx create-payload-app

    How do I add an editor?

  • discord user avatar
    8 months ago

    @taun2160 @jjaimealeman it should do it automatically for you - I'm not sure why it doesn't.

    This might help:

    npx create-payload-app@latest project-name
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    jjaimealeman8 months ago

    that fixed it.

    now to get familiar with this all and do my best to integrate Astro3.0 💥 🚀

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