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Throw error to user when using `onChange` hook

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plainnnlast year

I'm trying to ensure a block is always first in the block list, is there a way to throw a custom error when it's incorrect? Currently this code just logs out to the console, but i want to show an error to the user...

    beforeChange: [
      async ({ data }): Promise<any> => {
        // Check the order of the blocks, if homepageHeroSlides is not first, throw an error
        const { blocks } = data;
        const homepageHeroSlidesIndex = blocks.findIndex(
          (block) => block.blockType === 'homepageHeroBlock'
        if (homepageHeroSlidesIndex !== 0) {
          throw new Error('Homepage Hero Slides must be the first block');
  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Hi @Plain - try replacing the line 'throw new Error(...)' with the following:

    toast.error('Homepage Hero Slides must be the first block')
  • default discord avatar
    plainnnlast year

    @jesschow thanks for the reply, unfortunately that doesn't seem to do anything, it just saves like normal

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Is this a collection or field


    hook? Did you import

    import { toast } from 'react-toastify'


  • default discord avatar
    plainnnlast year

    It's actually a


    hook, and yeah, imported toast correctly 👌

    const Homepage: GlobalConfig = {
      slug: 'homepage',
      access: {
        read: (): boolean => true,
      hooks: {
        beforeChange: [
          async ({ data, global, originalDoc, req }): Promise<any> => {
            const { blocks } = data;
            const homepageHeroSlidesIndex = blocks.findIndex(
              (block) => block.blockType === 'homepageHeroBlock'
            console.log('homepageHeroBlockIndex', homepageHeroSlidesIndex);
            if (homepageHeroSlidesIndex !== 0) {
              toast.error('Homepage Hero Slides must be the first block');
              console.log('Homepage Hero Slides must be the first block');
    // other stuff here
  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Odd, you can throw a


    directly from collections or custom components - not sure why this doesn't work for globals...

    Instead, give this a go

    import { APIError } from 'payload/errors'

    and then throw your error like this

    throw new APIError('Homepage Hero Slides must be the first block')
  • default discord avatar
    plainnnlast year

    @jesschow hmm, that works in the console, and shows a 'Something went wrong' toast error, but i want it to describe the issue to the user...

    [12:05:52] ERROR (payload): APIError: Homepage Hero Slides must be the first block
  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Hmm that should allow you to output your custom error message... are there any other errors in your console?

  • default discord avatar
    plainnnlast year

    Just a 500 which appears when trying to save

    @jesschow after a bit of googling, I needed to use

       throw new APIError(
                'Hompage Hero Slides must be the first block',
  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Oic it needed to be extended. Is the error displaying the custom message correctly now?

  • default discord avatar
    steadysnail11 months ago

    @jesschow Since updating to v2 none of the "APIErrors" I'm throwing are being displayed to the client. Before I was able to:

    import APIError from "payload/dist/errors/APIError";
    throw new APIError("Customer Error Message")

    And "Custom Error Message" would be displayed on the client. With v1 using the above format I was able to successfully throw APIErrors with custom messages from both collection and field hooks.

    Now I get the "Something Went Wrong" generic message and a 500 error in the client console. In the server console I am seeing the correct custom error message

    I have copy and pasted the import statement and invocation from the above comments and I still get the same behavior.

    Any idea what could be causing this? Also, is there a similar solution for success toast messages?

  • default discord avatar
    plainnn11 months ago

    @steadysnail I have found this same issue, but only when calling a hook like

    hooks: {
      beforeChange: [ aHookTitleHere ]

    but when doing

      hooks: {
        beforeChange: [
          async ({ data }): Promise<any> => {
               throw new APIError(
                'A custom error',

    It works fine

  • default discord avatar
    steadysnail11 months ago

    @Plain Interesting... Some of the hooks I'm calling APIError from are 100-200 lines long. Really dont want to have to inline those...

  • default discord avatar
    plainnn11 months ago

    @steadysnail I'm in the same boat, its definitely not ideal

    Still looking for a fix for this, but just realised in this example:

    The import is

    import { APIError } from 'payload/errors'

    rather than

    import APIError from 'payload/dist/errors/APIError'

    Might be worth a shot? @steadysnail

  • default discord avatar
    steadysnail11 months ago

    @Plain Thanks, I'll give it a shot when I get a chance over the next few days and let you know how it goes!

    @Plain That got it working for me! Thanks! Much appreciated.

  • default discord avatar
    jamesryandev10 months ago

    Thank you both! this answered my query as upgrading to v2 also broke my hook error messages

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