afterChange "Create New Entry" in Collection

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kittabitlast year
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Good Afternoon Everyone,

I might just be missing something in the documentation, but I'm running into an issue; I have let's say 10 different collections, but when something is added to one of these collections, I want to create a new entry into one called "ActivityFeed" as an example.

After some digging around myself, I attempted to use ChatGPT and Bard (even after feeding it Payload documentation - it wasn't great to say the least); ChatGPT tried to suggest something like the following:

  1. Import "ActivityFeed" Collection:
    import ActivityFeed from './ActivityFeed';

  2. Add function that could be used in hook for collection:

const afterChange: CollectionAfterChangeHook = async ({ doc, previousDoc, operation, req }) => {
  if (operation === 'create' || operation === 'update') {
    const activity = {
      timestamp: new Date(),
      type: operation === 'create' ? 'added' : 'updated',
      relatedItem: doc._id, // Use the document's _id as the related item
      user:, // Use the author from the document as the user

    // Create a slug for the activity feed entry based on the related item's title
    const relatedItemTitle = doc.title || previousDoc.title;
    const slug = createSlug(relatedItemTitle);

    // Save the activity feed entry
    const activityFeedModel = req.models[ActivityFeed.slug];
    const activityFeed = await Payload.findOne(ActivityFeed.slug, {}, activityFeedModel);
    await Payload.create(ActivityFeed.slug, { ...activity, slug }, activityFeedModel, activityFeed);

  return doc;

...or this...

const afterChange: CollectionAfterChangeHook = async ({
}) => {
  if (operation === 'create' || operation === 'update') {
    const activity = {
      timestamp: new Date(),
      type: operation === 'create' ? 'added' : 'updated',
      relatedItem: doc._id, // Use the document's _id as the related item
      user:, // Use the author from the document as the user

    // Create a slug for the activity feed entry based on the related item's title
    const relatedItemTitle = doc.title || previousDoc.title;
    const slug = createSlug(relatedItemTitle);

    // Save the activity feed entry
    await Payload.adapters.default.create(
      { ...activity, slug },

  return doc;

I know this is all wrong, and I know I'm overlooking something - so if anyone could give me any guidance or just point me in the right direction, I'd REALLY appreciate it as I'm feeling a bit stuck at the moment. I know I'm just missing something along the lines of payload.create, but everything I try is just erroring out or making TypeScript very angry haha.

Thanks in advance y'all, I really appreciate any help!!!


  • Selected Answer
    discord user avatar
    last year

    I would definitely recommend going to the docs before using anything like ChatGPT.

    What you're looking for is the Local API's create function. Here's some psuedo-code for you to work from:

    // Inside hook
    await req.payload.create({
      collection: "activity", // Activity collection slug
      data: {
          timestamp: new Date(),
          type: operation === 'create' ? 'added' : 'updated',
          relatedItem:, // Relation field to current collection 
          user:,  // Relation field to user collection
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