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Best way to implement fulltext search on a collection?

default discord avatar
Raigatolast year
3 1

Hello 👋

I would like to create a fulltext search endpoint for one of my collections.

My idea for now it to follow this doc to create a standard text search with weights.
However, I have no idea where would be the best place to add the createdIndex line.

Also, I am wondering if I could just expose the payload admin search engine with some filters. Or if any other "idiomatic" way of doing this exist.

Thank you in advance for your guidance 🙏

  • Selected Answer
    default discord avatar
    pooledgelast year

    Just came back to it. So far it works for me with a named index created on server (re)start:

    const start = async () => {
    	// ...somewhere after payload itself has been initialized
    		{ title: 'text', description: 'text' },
    			name: 'fulltext_1',
  • default discord avatar
    pooledgelast year

    I am not sure whether this is the best way, but, after creating an index I've simply added an endpoint within server.ts to perform a text search, and it seems working:

    app.get('/search', async (req, res) => {
    	const query = `${req.query.q}` || '';
    	const results = await payload.db.collections['items'].find({
    		$text: { $search: query },
    	res.json({ results });

    3 replies
    default discord avatar
    Raigatolast year

    Thank you @pooledge, did you created the $text index manually or added it somewhere in your codebase?
    Doing it manually might be an issue for me as I work with PR staging environments creating a new db every time

    default discord avatar
    pooledgelast year

    Just came back to it. So far it works for me with a named index created on server (re)start:

    const start = async () => {
    	// ...somewhere after payload itself has been initialized
    		{ title: 'text', description: 'text' },
    			name: 'fulltext_1',
    default discord avatar
    deep-12418 months ago

    { title: 'text', description: 'text' },

    Below error is coming when trying to implement this:
    Property 'collections' does not exist on type 'DatabaseAdapter'

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