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What is the minimum mongodb version ?

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franckmartinlast year
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Hi !

Is there a minimum MongoDB version to run Payload CMS?
Our current MongoDB server is running on version 4, is this likely to cause problems?


  • Selected Answer
    discord user avatar
    last year

    Hi @franckmartin!
    You should be able to use MongoDB 4+. I had been developing Payload against v4 up until about 6 months ago and we try keep our Mongo API reliance simple to avoid compatibility issues with DocumentDB / Azure Cosmos DB.

    Let me know if you run into anything bizare. The most complex queries come from our reliance on aggregations used in managing versions if you're concerned, I would start there before diving in too deep.

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    franckmartinlast year

    Thank you so much for your quick answer @DanRibbens!
    We'll give it a try and let you know if we run into anything weird.

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