Autogenerate field content/ generate onsave

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baotaohlast year

I have a product collection and i want to add a article number field.

I want the article number to be autogenerated and unique how could one go about to achieve this.

i.e 1001, ....1023., 1039 etc.

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    blupandamanlast year

    Use a field or collection hook to set a random number in the before validate or something like that

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    baotaohlast year

    Hi! thank you for replying that was my initial thought but i need the article number to be "aware" of the collection i,e the count and it should be unique.

    i would prefare i increased linearly aswell instead of a random num.

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    .redjokerlast year

    Have you tried inside the field hook for a number when the operation is 'create' using the local payload api to query the product document with the highest number currently set and adding 1 to it?

    Alternatively you could query the total number of products and set the field to that + some initial number (1000 in your case).

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Hey @baotaoh did you try this approach above? Do you still need help here? Just let us know and we'll work to get you an answer.

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    baotaohlast year

    Hi, thank you for reaching out!

    I have not tried it yet will do that tomorrow <t:1689231420:D> and let you know how it goes.

    Autogenerate field content/ generate onsave

    Hi @seanzubrickas & @.redjoker !

    thank you for your replies.

    here is what i tried.

    import payload from 'payload'
    import type { BeforeValidateHook } from 'payload/dist/collections/config/types'
    import type { Product } from '../payload-types'
    export const createArticleNumber: BeforeValidateHook<Product> = async ({ data, operation }) => {
      if (operation === 'create') {
        const products = await payload.find({
          collection: 'product',
          sort: '-articleNumber',
        const productLength = products.totalDocs
        if (productLength > 0) {
          const previousArtNumber =[0].articleNumber.slice(4)
          const newArtNumber = parseInt(previousArtNumber) + 1
          return {
            articleNumber: `Art-${newArtNumber}`,
        return {
          articleNumber: 'Art-1000',

    I do have some follow up questions. i do not want the user to be able to manually update this field it should be disabled how do i achieve this?

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    .redjokerlast year

    I believe you set the field as

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    baotaohlast year

    Thanks alot!

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Glad we got this sorted out! We're around if you need anything else.

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