Create one collection doc when creating another.

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anisulislamprantolast year

Let's say i have two collections one is buses another is owner. Now when i am creating a bus it should trigger an owner creation as well. and this owner collection has two fields one is the name another one is buses which is relationship to buses. so now how can i achieve that ?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    I think a


    hook would work for that. Just check if the




    , then create a new document from the hook using payload's local api

  • default discord avatar
    anisulislamprantolast year

    i was thinking to use afterChange though. The problem here is the syntax. I am not kinda familier with it. Where should i put what. If possible can you give me a simple example code solution ?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Sure! afterChange would work as well! Make sure to check if the


    of the afterCheck is


    in that case.

    Definitely check out the docs first:

    the first code example is how you could do it! So:

    import { CollectionConfig } from 'payload/types';
    export const YourCollection: CollectionConfig = {
      slug: 'yourslug',
      fields: [
        { name: 'name', type: 'text'},
      hooks: {
        afterChange: [({doc, operation}) => {
          if(operation === 'create') {
             // create document here
  • default discord avatar
    anisulislamprantolast year

    now let's say i have a collection called myCollection with two fields one is name, another is yourCollection which is relationTo this YourCollection. now i want to create myCollection afterCreating YourCollection.

    inshort what i meant is i need that syntax. where we are creating that.

  • discord user avatar
    last year
    import { CollectionConfig } from 'payload/types';
    export const YourCollection: CollectionConfig = {
      slug: 'yourslug',
      fields: [
        { name: 'name', type: 'text'},
      hooks: {
        afterChange: [({doc, operation}) => {
          if(operation === 'create') {
             await payload.create({
                collection: 'myCollection',
                data: {
                  name: 'some text'

    that should work! Just a simple payload.create call

    "yourCollection" would be the relationTo field

    Definitely also give

    a read for the syntax for the payload local API (


    is part of it). Can do many other things as well, e.g. updating documents

  • default discord avatar
    anisulislamprantolast year

    Great thanks it


    working fine

    now if i want this field name: 'some text'

    to be dynamic like it will contain the name of this collection and some other text something like that. how can i achieve that ?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    You should be able to just use

    name: doc.title+'some text'

    or something like that, assuming you have a text field named



    contains all the data of your current document after it has been created, so you have access to it all via that variable!

  • default discord avatar
    anisulislamprantolast year

    Thanks a lot. You are awesome. Stay blessed.

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